Kota Guatemala. PenamaanSejarahBahagian PentadbiranGeografiEkonomiPautan LuarNama “Guatemala” berasal daripada perkataan Cuauhtemallan yang membawa pengertian “tanah banyak pokok” Inilah nama yang diberikan kepada ibu kota puak Cakchiquel oleh askaraskar bertuturan bahasa Nahuatl dari Tlaxcalla yang tiba dengan orangorang Sepanyol Nama itu kemudian dibuat lebih umum oleh orangorang Sepanyol untuk digunakan sebagai nama negaraini Zaman PraColumbia Terdapat bukti pertama yang menunjukkan bahawa peneroka di Guatemala telah wujud sejak 10000 SM lagi walaupun sebilangan bukti yang lain seperti mata panah obsidian yang ditemui di pelbagai tempat di negara itu mentarikhkan peristiwa itu sebagai pada tahun 18000 SM Terdapat juga bukti arkeologi yang menunjukkan bahawa para peneroka Guatemala yang awal merupakan pemburu dan pengumpul tetapi sampelsampel debunga dari Petén dan pantai Pasifik menunjukkan bahawa penanaman jagung telah dik Zaman penjajahan Selepas menemui Dunia Baru Sepanyol melancarkan banyak ekspedisi yang aman ke Guatemala mulai dari tahun 1518 Tidak lama kemudian hubungan Sepanyol mengakibatkan wabak yang memusnahkan masyarakat asli (dipercayai sebagai penyakit Viruela cacar Sepanyol) berdasarkan huraian dalam buku “Memorial de Sololá” Hernán Cortés yang mengetuai penaklukan Mexico memberikan kebenaran kepada Kapten Pedro de Alvarado untuk menaklukkan tanah ini Alvarado pada mulamulanya bersekutu dengan negara Cakc Kemerdekaan Pada 15 September 1821 Guatemala mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan daripada Sepanyol Republik Guatemala yang baru ini merangkumi kawasan Soconusco kebanyakan Belize serta apa yang kini merupakan negaranegara El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua dan Costa Rica Pendudukpenduduknya sebanyak 15 juta orang tertumpu di pusatpusat bandar Pada 3 Oktober 1821 kawasan Kapten Jeneral Guatemala (terdiri daripada Chiapas Guatemala El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica dan Honduras) mengisytiharkan keme Guatemala dibahagikan kepada 22 buah departmen (departamentos) yang dibahagikan pula kepada lebih kurang 332 buah kawasan perbandaran (municipios) Departmendepartmen Guatemalatermasuk Guatemala amat terpusat Pengangkutan komunikasi perniagaan politik serta kebanyakan kegiatan bandar yang relevan berlaku di Bandar Raya Guatemala bandar raya yang terbesar di Amerika Tengah Bandar Raya Guatemala mempunyai lebih kurang 2 juta orang penduduk di dalam had kawasan bandar rayanya dan melebihi 5 juta orang di kawasan bandar Ini merupakan peratusan penduduk negara yang agak besar (12 juta orang) Terletak paling utara di antara negaranegara Amerika Tengah Luas daratannya sedikit lebih kecil dari Provinsi Kalimantan Barat ini berjiran dengan Mexico di utara barat dan timur Belize Honduras dan El Salvador di timurKecuali daerah pesisir selatan dan dataran rendah Petern yang luas di utara daerah Guatemala kebanyakan bergunung dengan iklim tropika panas lebih mesra di dataran tinggi dan lebih kering di jabatan yang paling timur Seluruh bandar besar terletak di setengah bahagian selatan dari negara tersebut bandar besarnya adalah ibu kota Guatemala City Quetzaltenango dan EscuintlaTasik besar Lago de Izabal terletak di berhampiran pesisir Caribbean Guatemala mempunyai KDNK per kapita sebanyak US $ 5000 namun negaranegara membangun ini masih menghadapi masalah masalah sosial dan termasuk dalam 10 negara termiskin di Amerika LatinAngka endapatan per kapita dan jurang sosial menunjukkan bahawa hampir separuh daripada populasi penduduk berada di dalam angka kemiskinan dan lebih dari 400000 penduduk berada dalam pengangguran CIA World Fact Book menganggarkan sekitar 562% daripada penduduk Guatemala berada dalam kemiskinanHasil eksport Guatemala berupa buah buahan sayur mayur bunga kerajinan tangan pakaianSektor pertanian membentuk 1 / 4 dari KDNK Guatemala 2 / 3 eksport dan 1 / 2 dari tenaga kerja Kopi gula dan pisang adalah produk utama Pengeluaran dan pembinaan membentuk 1 / 5 KDNKMenandatangani perjanjian perdamaian pada Disember 1996 yang menamatkan 36 tahun perang saudara menyingkirkan rintangan utama bagi pelaburan asing Pada 1998 Hurikan Mitch menyebabkan sedikit kerosakan bagi Guatemala berbandin Bendera LambangIbu negara Bahasa rasmi Kerajaan.

Kota Guatemala Perumahan Tipe Favela Dekat Pusat Kota Rumahrumah Miskin Di Guatemala Menunjukkan Kemiskinan Dan Kurangnya Sumber Daya Ekonomi Foto Stok Unduh Gambar Sekarang Istock kota guatemala
Kota Guatemala Perumahan Tipe Favela Dekat Pusat Kota Rumahrumah Miskin Di Guatemala Menunjukkan Kemiskinan Dan Kurangnya Sumber Daya Ekonomi Foto Stok Unduh Gambar Sekarang Istock from Kota Guatemala Perumahan Tipe Favela Dekat Pusat Kota Rumahrumah Miskin Di Guatemala Menunjukkan Kemiskinan Dan Kurangnya Sumber Daya Ekonomi Foto Stok – Unduh Gambar Sekarang – iStock

Kota ini terletak 149 kilometer dari Guatemala City dan dekat dengan wilayah Villa Canales Mixco dan Petapa Penduduknya sebagian besar bergantung pada industri Villa Nueva terutama metalurgi tekstil dan plastik.

Guatemala City Wikipedia

HistoryStructure and GrowthClimateDemographicsCommunicationsEconomy and FinancePlaces of Interest by ZonesTransportationUniversities and SchoolsSportsEarly history Human settlement on the present site of Guatemala City began with the Maya who built a city at Kaminaljuyu The Spanish colonists established a small town which was made a capital city in 1775 At this period the Central Square with the Cathedral and Royal Palace were constructed After Central American independence from Spain the city became the capital of the United Provinces of Central Americain 1821 The 19th century saw the construction of the monumental Carrera Theater in the 1850s an Contemporary history Guatemala City serves as the economic governmental and cultural epicenter of the nation of Guatemala The city also functions as Guatemala&#39s main transportation hub hosting an international airport La Aurora International Airport and serving as the origination or end points for most of Guatemala&#39s major highways The city with its robust economy attracts hundreds of thousands of rural migrants from Guatemala&#39s interior hinterlands and serves as the main entry point for most foreign imm Guatemala City is located in the mountainous regions of the country between the Pacific coastal plain to the south and the northern lowlands of the Peten region The city&#39s metropolitan area has recently grown very rapidly and has absorbed most of the neighboring municipalities of Villa Nueva San Miguel Petapa Mixco San Juan Sacatepequez San José Pinula Santa Catarina Pinula Fraijanes San Pedro Ayampuc Amatitlán Villa Canales Palencia and Chinautla forming what is now known as the Guatemala City Metropolitan Area The city is subdivided into 22 zones (“Zonas”) designed by the urban engineering of Raúl Aguilar Batres each one with its own streets (“Calles”) avenues (“Avenidas”) and sometimes “Diagonal” Streets making it pretty easy to find addresses in the city Zones are numbered 1–25 with Zones 20 22 and 23 not existing as they would have fallen in two other municipalities&#39 territoryAddresses are assigned according to the street or avenue number followed by a dash Despite its location in the tropics Guatemala City&#39s relatively high altitude moderates average temperatures The city has a tropical savanna climate (Köppen Aw) bordering on a subtropical highland climate (Cwb) Guatemala City is generally very warm almost springlike throughout the course of the year It occasionally gets hot during the dry season but not as hot and humid as in Central American cities at sea level The hottest month is April The rainy season extends from May to October coinciding with the tropical storm and hurricane season in the western Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea while the dry season extends from November to April The city can at times be windy which also leads to lower ambient temperatures The city&#39s average annual temperature ranges are 22–28 °C (716–824 °F) during the day and 12–17 °C (536–626 °F) at night its average relative humidity is 82% in the morning and 58% in the evening and its average dew pointis 16 °C (608 °F) It is estimated that the population of Guatemala City proper is about 1 million while its urban area is almost 3 million The growth of the city&#39s population has been robust abetted by the mass migration of Guatemalans from the rural hinterlands to the largest and most vibrant regional economy in Guatemala The inhabitants of Guatemala City are incredibly diverse given the size of the city with those of Spanish and Mestizo descent being the most numerousGuatemala City also has sizable indigenous populations divided among the 23 distinct Mayan groups present in Guatemala The numerous Mayan languages are now spoken in certain quarters of Guatemala City making the city a linguistically rich area Foreigners and foreign immigrants comprise the final distinct group of Guatemala City inhabitants representing a very small minority among the city&#39s citizens Due to mass migration from impoverished rural districts wracked with political instability Guatemala City&#39s population has ex Guatemala City is headquarters to many communications and telecom companies among them Tigo ClaroTelgua and MovistarTelefónica These companies also offer cable television internet services and telephone access Due to Guatemala City&#39s large and concentrated consumer base in comparison to the rest of the country these telecom and communications companies provide most of their services and offerings within the confines of the city There are also seven local television channels in addition to numerous international channels The international channels range from children&#39s programming like Nickelodeon and the Disney Channel to more adult offerings such as E! and HBO While international programming is dominated by entertainment from the United States domestic programming is dominated by shows from Mexico Due to its small and relatively incomerestricted domestic market Guatemala City produces very little in the way of its own programming outside of local news and sports Guatemala City as the capital is home to Guatemala&#39s central bank from which Guatemala&#39s monetary and fiscal policies are formulated and promulgated Guatemala City is also headquarters to numerous regional private banks among them CitiBank Banco Agromercantil Banco Promerica Banco Industrial Banco GyT Continental Banco de Antigua Banco Reformador Banrural Grupo Financiero de Occidente BAC Credomatic and Banco Internacional By far the richest and most powerful regional economy within Guatemala Guatemala City is the largest market for goods and services which provides the greatest number of investment opportunities for public and private investors in all of Guatemala Financing for these investments is provided by the regional private banks as well as by foreign direct and capital investment mostly from the United States Guatemala City&#39s ample consumer base and service sector is represented by the large department store chains present in the city among them Siman Guatemala City is divided into 22 zones in accordance with the urban layout plan designed by Raúl Aguilar Batres Each zone has its own streets and avenues facilitating navigation within the city Zones are numbered 1 through 25 However numbers 20 22 and 23 have not been designated to zones thus these zones do not exist within the city proper Renovated and expanded La Aurora International Airportlies to the south of the city center La Aurora serves as Guatemala&#39s principal air hubPublic transport is provided by buses and supplemented by a BRT system The three main highways that bisect and serve Guatemala start in the city (CA9 Transoceanic Highway Puerto San Jose to PueA BRT (bus rapid transit) system called Transmetro consisting of specialpurpose lanes for highcapacity buses began operating in 2007 and aimed to improve traffic flow in the city through the i Guatemala City is home to ten universities among them the oldest institution of higher education in Central America the University of San Carlos of Guatemala Founded in 1676 the Universidad de San Carlos is older than all North American universities except for Harvard University The other nine institutions of higher education to be found in Guatemala City include the Universidad Mariano Gálvez the Universidad Panamericana the Universidad Mesoamericana the Universidad Rafael Landivar the Universidad Francisco Marroquín the Universidad del Valle the Universidad del Istmo Universidad Galileo Universidad da Vinci and the Universidad Rural Whereas these nine named universities are private the Universidad de San Carlos remains the only public institution of higher learning Guatemala City possesses several sportsgrounds and is home to many sports clubs Football is the most popular sport with CSD Municipal Aurora FC and Comunicaciones being the main clubs[citation needed] The Estadio Mateo Flores located in the Zone 5 of the city is the largest stadium in the country followed in capacity by the Estadio Cementos Progreso Estadio del Ejército & Estadio El Trébol An important multifunctional hall is the Domo Polideportivo de la CDAG[citation needed] The city has hosted several promotional functions and some international sports events in 1950 it hosted the VI Central American and Caribbean Games and in 2000 the FIFA Futsal World Championship On 4 July 2007 the International Olympic Committee gathered in Guatemala City and voted Sochi to become the host for the 2014 Winter Olympics and ParalympicsIn April 2010 it hosted the XIVth PanAmerican Mountain Bike Championships Guatemala City hosted the 2008 edition of the CONCACAF Futsal Champio Country GuatemalaEstablished 1776Elevation 1500 m (4900 ft)Department.

Guatemala Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas

Seluruh kota besar terletak di setengah bagian selatan dari negara tersebut kota besarnya adalah ibu kota Guatemala City Quetzaltenango dan Escuintla Danau besar Lago de Izabal terletak di dekat pesisir Karibia Bahasa resmi Legislatif Ibu kota (dan kota terbesar) Pemerintahan.

Kota Guatemala Perumahan Tipe Favela Dekat Pusat Kota Rumahrumah Miskin Di Guatemala Menunjukkan Kemiskinan Dan Kurangnya Sumber Daya Ekonomi Foto Stok Unduh Gambar Sekarang Istock

Guatemala Wikipedia bebas bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia

Kota Guatemala Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

bedanya disini Guatemala Cari Kota Terbesar Di

Guatemala City (lengkapnya La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción masyarakat setempat mengenalnya dengan Guatemala atau Guate) adalah ibukota dan kota terbesar di negara Guatemala Penduduknya berjumlah 2541581 jiwa Kota ini terletak pada ketinggian 1500 m Dengan memiliki angka kepadatan penduduk sebesar 4505 jiwa/km² Municipality GuatemalaEstablished Departmen Kota.