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Bogor (Sundanese ᮘᮧᮌᮧᮁ Dutch Buitenzorg) is a city in the West Java province IndonesiaLocated around 60 kilometers (37 mi) south of the national capital of Jakarta Bogor is the 6th largest city in the Jakarta metropolitan area and the 14th overall nationwide The city covers an area of 11850 km 2 and it had a population of 950334 in the 2010 Census and 1043070 in the 2020.
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Suburban Express B21 BekasiGrogol 2 (via Bekasi Timur) T12 Poris PlawadJuanda RoyalTrans KalideresBekasi (via Bekasi Timur) JR Connexion Maxx Box Lippo VillageBeritaSatu Plaza Wisma Mulia BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Wilayah DKI Jakarta Menara Global Balai Kartini Patra Jasa BeritaSatu Plaza City Plaza The St Regis Jakarta (rencana) Telkomsel K912+.
Mulia Vilage Juanda Form Investor Rumah Halal Nusantara Agency Jual Property Rumah Syariah Investasi Kavling Tanpa Riba Bank
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Koridor 9 Transjakarta Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia
Bogor Wikipedia
Near Plaza Senayan Senayan City Pondok Indah Mall Gandaria City Pacific Place Hotel Mulia Fairmont Hotel Close access to Senayan Sudirman CBD Pondok Indah Blok M Kemang Senopati International School Senayan Golf Course etc Premium and the best location for living / invest Secure area because of its high regulation of this Premium AreaNear to.